Scott Reiter Scott is the driving force behind the development of the Easy Load Ramp System (ELRS). Scott is physically disabled due to the congenital birth defect Spina Bifida. He is active to the limits of his limited mobility and has always pushed himself. As such, he decided to start riding but not a conventional two wheeler as his lack of balance always presented him with the probability of eminent disaster. After many weeks of research he settled on a foot powered recumbent tricycle. He opted for a model to fit in his SUV to allow him to take his trike to ride our many local bike trails. Having a very strong upper body Scott did not see a problem loading the trike in his SUV. However, this proved extremely difficult as lifting the trike with his less than normal balance proved to be a problem. He declared, there needed to be a ramp developed to push his trike into his SUV. Thus, the ELRS came into being on the third iteration of the engineering and development process. Currently he enjoys loading his trike in his SUV and riding with many different groups of riders, able and disabled on the many and varied Orange County trails. Scott is an Eagle Scout and a degreed Computer Graphic Artist. He designed the ELRS logo, advertising materials, installation manual and this web site
Richard Reiter Tom, as he goes by, is the jack of all trades for the ELRS project. Using Scott’s initial idea they had a very rudimentary “A” model ELRS constructed by a local metal company. It worked but was heavy and awkward with many, many changes to be made. The “B” model was workable, yet more changes were identified for fine tuning. As a result the existing “C” model of the ELRS was born. As stated Tom is the jack of all trades, mastering a few such as cutting tubes to correct lengths, drilling holes and making packaging while turning others over to metal benders, welders and powder coaters. Tom is a retired USAF pilot and Aerospace System Safety Engineer. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration Management. He is also an avid bike rider and golfer and was active in Boy Scouts for many years.
714.815.9507 |
We have taken an abstract idea through engineering, development and manufacturing
with the purpose of aiding and assisting persons with limited mobility
as well as the able bodied achieve greater mobility and capability. |